Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sea Cloud

First painting of the semester! Probably more of an exercise than anything, but it was enjoyable to paint. I used the time to mull over some ideas and I feel like I have a little more clarity now.

For this painting, I was thinking about perspective. Part of it is looking down at a sea weed cluster and the other half is looking up at sky. I wanted it to be a little abstract and a little confusing even. I like to trick the eye, play with the mind. I'm not sure this is quite doing that yet, but I'm working on it.


  1. Great work! I'll be curious to see where it goes from here. My mentor at UNM, Yoshiko Shimano, used to encourage me to consider the landscape differently, by investigating what it's like to look down at various objects (or up, from underneath) that we see from a typical horizontal view. We do often look down at the ocean ourselves, but so often represent it quite literally as horizontal environments. It's nice to see this from a more integrated perspective. I am standing IN the water. :-)

  2. Thanks! I took a landscape painting class as an undergrad, and one of the assignments was to create an abstract landscape. I created this underwater kind of image for that class and that's when it really clicked with me that landscapes could be more than purely representational exercises. I was revisiting that revelation here. :)
