The following image is a rework of one of the previous images, but with the slicing technique. It was an interesting experiment.
We also briefly looked at the collaborative project I did with other members of my cohort. It was a response to the quote,
"The noun of self becomes a verb. This flashpoint of creation in the present moment is where work and play emerge."
-Stephen Nachmanovitch
It was two parts, where we responded to the quote on our own, and responded to an image sent to us by another member of the cohort. I responded to Ann Olson's piece first.
Ann sent me her image:
After spending a fair amount of time considering it, I started to work on my response. Initially, I though I would respond with college, since that is the technique she used and I enjoy college. Thinking about it further, however, I realized it may be more effective to work digitally. This is my primary medium and I thought the blend of digital and physical college would show the blend of our two styles, and give me greater flexibility. I scanned in her original image twice. The first time to get a true scan, and the second time I moved it as it was being scanned to give some interesting distortion. I wanted to add and enhance Ann's image without taking away from it. I added sky and cloud imagery as well as ocean near the bottom and other elements because I associate these elements with creation, referring to the original quote.
In turn, this is my response to the quote that I sent to Ann:
I really enjoyed working on this project. It was a good way to "break out of the box" and stretch the creative muscles.