My mentor and I met for our forth meeting yesterday. I brought two new pieces, and two reworks from our last meeting. I'm planning to focus this next week on solidifying a body of work for the residency, now that my day job has settled down for the moment. This last meeting brought to light some inconsistencies with my concepts and visual content that I need to address. Karl and I both agree that working intuitively is generally a good practice, and he doesn't think I should I try to illustrate my ideas. However, the content does need farther consideration. Overall, these images are formally interesting, and I am currently considering ways to make the work more relevant to my ideas. It's admittedly somewhat frustrating, but this is part of the challenge of the program. It would probably be concerning if I never felt a sense of conflict.
Karl also suggested using less "pretty" images (my words, not his). I think this aligns with suggestions from last residency to photograph abandon places. I understand where it is coming from, and I also think it is valid and something I should do. I currently do not have the images, but I could find things probably. It's not something I have a natural inclination to do, but that's a rather weak excuse.
He also warned me not to get too formulaic, especially with the circle element. It's something that's effective, but I have to be careful not to over use it. On my own initiative, I've started a research board for photographers I should probably know. Speaking with Karl makes me realize how little photographers I actually know. It's only in the last year or so that I've committed to photography as my primary medium, and my general art history survey courses provided limited exposure to photographers I should know. I do often recognize images once we look them up, so I'm working to commit the names to memory.